Miss Agriculture USA Queens are so diverse but what binds them all together is their passion for agriculture. Get to know our 2021 Sarasota County FL Teen Miss Agriculture USA, Jaed Jones!

Name: Jaed Jones
Hometown: Sarasota, Florida
What are your agricultural interests?
“I am interested in everything animal. I enjoy spending my time with my miniature horses, 4H swine, 4H heifer, rabbits, cavy, goats and my cat Bug.”
What agriculture organizations or activities are you a part of?
“I am a member of my High School Chapter of FFA, and I have been in 4-H for 10 years. I am a member of Clogging Clovers, Blazers and Miakka Allstock Clubs.”
What are some of your other activities outside of agriculture?
“I am involved with a Circus Education Program and I own my own business named Jaed's Custom Creations where I design tumblers.”
What success are you most proud of?
“I have earned 4 consecutive National AMHR Youth Jumper Titles, I have broken both of my miniature horses to drive, jump, compete in obstacle in hand as well as showmanship.”
What or who first got you interested in agriculture?
“I first became interested in Agriculture when I visited my grandparents and they took me to the Abilene Rodeo. I was 5 years old and hooked on horses.”
Why did you decide to become a Miss Agriculture USA Queen?
“I decided to become an Agriculture Queen to better be able to share my love of Agriculture.”
What has been your favorite experience as a Miss Agriculture USA Queen?
“So far, my favorite experience has been attending Harvest festivals and sharing information and love of learning with children in my community.”
What are some of your goals as a Miss Agriculture USA Queen?
“I want to be able to help create more food to table opportunities for children in my community.”
What advice would you give to someone thinking about being a Miss Agriculture USA Queen?
“Don't be afraid to share your passion with others, it only helps to ignite passions in others. Remember you are there to listen and learn as well as share.”