Miss Agriculture USA Queens are so diverse but what binds them all together is their passion for agriculture. Get to know our 2021 Clark County OH Ms Agriculture USA, Elizabeth Delaney!

Name: Elizabeth Delaney
Hometown: Clark County, Ohio
What are your agricultural interests?
“Beef and dairy cattle and swine.”
What agriculture organizations or activities are you a part of?
“I’m a member of the Clark Co. dairy committee, a 4-H advisor for the 2 hot 2 trot 4-H club and a 4-H volunteer.”
What are some of your other activities outside of agriculture?
“I work at rural king and I also teach kids how to care for their cattle and show them."
What success are you most proud of?
“It’s not an award however it was very rewarding, I rescued a lame calf who’s front legs were buckled; I worked with him every day, massaged his legs, walked him around the field to build muscle and he eventually won reserve champion at a local fair.”
What or who first got you interested in agriculture?
“My older sister started raising cows when I was 5 and even though I was absolutely terrified of the huge animals I was always amazed at how loving they really were and I always wanted to raise my own so when I was 11, I saved up and bought my first calf.”
Why did you decide to become a Miss Agriculture USA Queen?
“My friend Abbey was in the program and she spoke so highly of it and convinced me to join as well.”
What has been your favorite experience as a Miss Agriculture USA Queen?
“My favorite experience so far has been getting to know the other queens and learning about their state’s agriculture.”
What are some of your goals as a Miss Agriculture USA Queen?
“I would like to be a positive role model and show others that just because we’re girls doesn’t mean we don’t play a vital role in agriculture.”
What advice would you give to someone thinking about being a Miss Agriculture USA Queen?
“Just do it! Being a Miss Ag queen builds confidence and character and you’ll make so many amazing friends.”